Michael L. Littman
and HÃ¥kan
L. S. Younes.
Students: John Asmuth,
Paul Batchis, David Weissman.
Documentation and Links
To install the plan evaluator (under Unix), save the tar file (for
example: use wget mdpsim-1.3.tar.gz or save from browser). Uncompress
(for example: gunzip mdpsim-1.3.tar.gz). Extract everything (for
example: tar xvf mdpsim-1.3.tar). Look at the file mdpsim/README for
more instructions.
- Zhengzhu Feng
UMass (with Eric Hansen)
Symbolic heuristic search
- Olga Skvortsova
Dresden University of Technology (with Eldar Karabaev)
First-order value iteration in fluent calculus
- Pascal Poupart
University of Toronto
Greedy linear value-approximation
- Charles Gretton
Australian National University
Re-engineered version of NMRDPP
- Robert L Givan
Purdue (with Alan Fern, Sungwook Yoon)
Policy iteration with policy language bias (learn from sample problems)
- Blai Bonet
Universidad Simon Bolivar
GPT: value function; simulation; plan search
- Nilufer Onder
Michigan Technological University (with Li and Garrett Whelan)
POP-style planner (possibly goal oriented, no sensing only)
- Florent Teichteil-Konigsbuch
ONERA-DCSD (with Patrick Fabiani)
Explicit state enumeration and DBNs, value functions
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science
Foundation under Grant No. 0315909. Any opinions, findings, and
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National
Science Foundation.